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mothers day covid 21

How To Celebrate Mother's Day During COVID-19

Depending on where you live and the restrictions in your local area, COVID-19 may have put a spanner in the works of your Mother’s Day plans. Many bars and restaurants are still closed, and in some places, people are still not allowed to mix with other households. Whatever life looks like in your local area, we’ve put together a quick list of ideas to help you celebrate Mother’s Day safely during the pandemic. 

  • Use Services That Offer Contact-Free Delivery

If you plan to send flowers or a gift to your mother this Mother’s Day, then the safest way to do so is by using a service that offers contact-free delivery. This reduces the risk of transmission by delivery drivers or postal workers while still allowing your mum to enjoy a gift on her special day. 

  • Get Creative With DIY Gifts And Cards

Rather than shopping for a Mother’s Day card or a gift instead, why not get creative and make them yourself? If you can’t visit your mum, then a DIY card or a hand-made gift is a touching way to show you care and to give a little bit of yourself even if you can’t be there in person. 

  • Bake A Cake And Leave It On Their Doorstep

There’s something very special about baking someone a cake, and they always taste so much better than the ones you can buy in the store. If you live locally to your mum but aren’t allowed to visit, then make them their favorite cake or follow a Mother’s Day cupcake recipe and then leave it on their doorstep. Step back a few meters and then give them a ring to let them know they have a surprise waiting for them. 

  • Plan A Virtual Mother’s Day Dinner

During Covid-19, virtual meet- up's have kind of become the norm. If your family usually celebrates Mother’s Day over food, keep the tradition alive by planning a virtual dinner instead. Arrange for a takeaway to be delivered to everyone involved and have conversation and games over video conferencing software such as Zoom. 

  • Go For A Mother’s Day Walk 

Last but not least, if restrictions in your area allow it, then going for a walk outside is a safer way to meet your mum and other family members rather than gathering indoors. Pick a location that is special to you or your mum and meet there for some fresh air and much-needed conversation. Remember to dress for the weather and try not to hug or make physical contact where possible. If your mum is high-risk, then you may want to wear a mask or walk slightly apart from one another. 

Although Covid-19 means that Mother’s Day may not look the same this year, that doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate the important motherly figures in your lives. We hope this post has given you some ideas for a safe Mother’s Day - whatever you decide to do, we’re sure your mum will be extremely grateful. 

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